13 Mart 2018 Salı

Our Horror Tale, SPOILER: We Became a Podcaster

   Do you know what podcasting is? or a podcast? Well, we learned it in the last lesson. A podcast can be a digital media file that you record to tell something about almost anything without vision. Afterward, we became podcasters. Our teacher offered us 3 options. We were a group of 3 people. I, Beyza and Fulya. We picked the one that we could tell a horror tale. Then we recorded it with the help of a podcasting website. It was Vocaroo, you can check it, it is really easy to use. First, we gathered in our school, Marmara University, and wrote our horror story together. Then, we needed a silent place, so we came to my house. It is rather close to our school. Finally, we recorded it with using some voice effects and sent it to our teacher. You can listen to our story from this link!
  If you wonder what I think about podcasting, I did not enjoy doing it much, and I do not think I will use it in my classes. Technology is moving forward at an incredible pace. I'm sure there will be something better in 5 years. If it is not, I will not use podcasting anyway. Podcasting is already out of fashion, it is like using radio for a football match although there is TV. Nowadays, the visual stuff attracts people. People are talking about Netflix, Amazon Video etc. taking over TV. Online streaming is on the rise. Even for today, I can say that creating a youtube channel and doing the same thing we did in a podcast in that channel would be much more efficient than talking to a microphone and recording it. So I believe that there are better choices right now, and there will be even better ones in the future.

Do not forget to listen to our story from here! Also, I wonder what you think about podcasting, and what does the future bring us related to this?

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