27 Mayıs 2018 Pazar

One Last Post to Rule Them All..

            For your knowledge, we have come to an end. Not for my blog, but my Instructional Technology and Material Design course. This is my latest blog post covering 2018 spring school year. We began taking this course at the beginning of 2nd term. Our beloved teacher, Gökçe Kurt, has been full of energy and very helpful.
           When it comes to our lesson, it mainly deals with the usage of technology in second language learning classes. As you know, we had many tasks, groupworks and projects. As always, what I like most is to work with my classmates! I'm a team player, and I love being in a project with my friends. We accomplished many things, created lots of storie etc. But given a task every week sometimes bothers me. Because we take 7-8 courses each year, from time to time, we have a task to do for all of them. But I'm not complaining about this, as a student, this is what we need to do. I just think like that as an ordinary human being.
           For my future career, I have learned many tools to use in my classroom from this course. Even, not only for my classes, but also in my personal life. For instance, I have learned what webquest is, what it is used for and I like it a lot!
           As far as I think, some useless tools can be removed from the syllabus, such as Bubbl.us. I can say this because I am one of the persons who have made a presentation about it. Instead of bubbl.us, youtube.com can be added to syllabus. Recently, youtube has gained incredible amount of popularity among people. People of all ages spend time on Youtube. You can make your students record a video about something relevant to your topic and make them upload it to Youtube. I'm sure it will be fun!
          One of my favourite assignmets is to create a Digital Story. I and my friend Beyza had great fun while doing it. We created cartoon characters, a background, recorded a stop-motion video and vocalize it. It was so good!
           Lastly, I'm calling out for the students who will take this course next year. Do not postpone your assignments to last days, and do not think that they are unnecessary. I used to think like that, but when you come to the end of your course, you realize that they are really helpful to you and your future character. It contributes a lot about being a qualified teacher that our country needs most nowadays!

I hope I will see you in my next blog posts!

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